Time for a Rebrand?

Transformation isn’t a luxury in business, it’s a necessity.

The world will continue to change – successful brands are the ones who can see where it’s going. We help businesses create trends rather than just follow them. With over 20 years’ experience helping brands reach their goals, your revolution is in safe hands.

Sometimes the best thing to do is start from scratch. At brandeon, we bring years of branding experience to the table. We’ll help transform your visual communication so that you can reach new audiences and continue to grow.

Reasons to rebrand

Getting rebranding right

What does rebranding mean?

Rebranding is the process of updating the corporate image of an existing company. Often instigated as a strategic marketing activity, rebranding starts with an analysis of your existing brand to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities that will inform the rebranding process. Whilst some rebrands involve a renaming process, more often than not, rebranding involves updating the existing company identity to give it a modern look. However, rebranding is not just about a new logo. Undertaking a rebrand requires a full overhaul of all of your customer touchpoints from your website, social media, and print materials as well as any bricks and mortar components- signage, packaging, advertising, interior fit-outs, you name it. When it comes to branding, consistency is key so it’s important to see rebranding as a complete renovation, not just a fresh lick of paint.

Is it okay to rebrand?

At some point in every company’s timeline, rebranding is a discussion that needs to be had. Growing pains, changing products or services, or entering a new market are all common reasons for initiating a rebrand. For some companies, rebranding is not just a good idea, but a vital lifeline that can ease the growing pains. However, such a significant change is not something to do on a whim. One of the major considerations when considering a rebrand is brand equity- the social value of your existing brand. Brands that have built up cultural recognition may want to consider ways of retaining that essential character of the brand whilst giving it a fresh look. We like to call this a brand ‘evolution’ as opposed to a ‘revolution’. Retaining key aspects of your brand- brand name, colour palette, or logo features- means you retain all of that valuable brand equity with a brand that is recognisably still you- just with a twist to signal a fresh chapter for the brand and your company.

Is rebranding a good idea?

The definition of business success is growth so it’s very typical for a business to outgrow its branding in periods of expansion- in this instance, it’s a case of “it’s not me, it’s you”. Know when to cut your losses and invest in upgrading your brand to match your growth trajectory. Breaking up with your old brand can be just the leg up you need to expand your business into new markets, armed with a fresh brand that better represents your products/services, values and purpose. So now can we ask you a question- what are you waiting for?

How do I rebrand my business?

The first step in approaching a rebrand is framing the problem you’re trying to solve. Businesses rebrand for a number of reasons and it’s important to be specific about what it is you’re trying to change and why. The next step is documenting it into a brief- this is important for communicating your problem with prospective collaborators. Doing some research on your competitors, both current and aspirational, can also be a great help for a designer to sift through to understand your vision. Now armed with a killer brief, it’s time to engage a designer or agency to help you with the heavy lifting. Resist the temptation to get it done on the cheap in-house or by a mate from the footy club who thinks he’s “a bit of alright with the adobe creative suite”- we’d highly recommend engaging an experienced agency that has the resources, team and expertise to do justice to your brand. Rebranding is an important exercise and not something you want to do too often so getting the right partner on board can really make all the difference. But if you’re reading this, you probably already know that- you’ve come to the right place.

Is it time for you to rise to the top?

Book a discovery call with one of our brandeon team members.

We are here to help ignite your visions and desires.