What is the P8 Branding Program?

We’ve spent over 20 years developing and upgrading our Brandeon Identity Framework™.

It encompasses the 8 critical sections of a brand, which we call the 8P’s, an easy to understand and implement program to allow every business owner to amplify their brand.

The P8 Branding Program covers each of the 8P’s:

Get your recommendations and a detailed report all based on our program to amplify your brand.


A powerful brand purpose sets out an intent to change the world for the better and connects with consumers on a personal level.

The rise in conscientious consumers means that you need to think about the social, environmental, ecological and political position of your brand.

Brand purpose is the reason for the brand to exist beyond making money. 

If you want a really powerful brand purpose, it needs to relate to the product or service itself.



What meaningful problems your business will solve for your clients?

What you’re good at doing now, what you want to be doing and any areas to up-skill in, over the next 3-5 years.

We look at your ability to create and deliver the products and services that fill a need in the marketplace and your capability in terms of your experience, knowledge and qualifications.


Who is your Target Market?

Most business owners think of their Target Market only as the people who buy their products and services.

However, there are another two very important groups of people that must be considered in your Target Market if you are to see the whole picture.



Let’s get into the detail of what you offer to your customers and how.

This will reveal the tangible assets you have to sell, how you present them to your Target Market and how they interact with you.

We examine your Customer Nurture Journey and the process of how you take people from being prospects to clients, through to loyal advocates of your business who refer to you, continually buy from you and stay with you for years.


A unified and aligned visual presence is a must to build trust.

We look at how you present your brand to the world in terms of your brand visuals (graphical elements, photos, and videos), your brand voice (copy and keywords) and your brand dress style (so you dress with intention).

All aspects of your presentation must be aligned so you convey the same message, constantly.



Positioning is about finding your own niche in a crowded market and how you want to be seen in the hearts and minds of your niche target market.

What foundational elements are needed to get you started?

What trust factors can you showcase, what makes you uniquely different to your competitors?

How are you positioning yourself against your competitors to stand apart and stand ahead of them?


Find out ways to focus on how you promote yourself to your niche target market.

Trust is a key factor in building and maintaining relationships and clients, so we unpack how you best do that with your content, the platforms you’re on and the way you generate leads to bring in qualified referrals.



Your new business may have a wealth of IP (Intellictual Property). 

From the name on your door, to an innovative new process, there will be things that differentiate you from your competitors.

As your business grows, so too will the importance of these intangible assets.

Is it time for you to rise to the top?

Book a discovery call with one of our brandeon team members.

We are here to help ignite your visions and desires.